Get a Flexible Care Work in London and outside London areas by working with us.

More people in the UK are choosing to look for a flexible work, rather than working regular hours. Flexible jobs affords them more free time, and gives them a lot more variation through the week. Much of the care work that we offer gives you the potential for working as much or as little as you’d like.  We are a London based recruitment agency that has the experience to find you the suitable role in the best company or organisation.
Where Would I Work?
There are variety of shifts available, and these are in lots of different environments. These includes working with:
Domiciliary Care
Supported Living
Live in Care
Extra Housing Care
Residential Homes
Nursing Homes


Our key aim is to ensure that we can meet all your Care requirements and Support under one brand by working closely with service users family, key stakeholders and other professionals involved in our service users care...

Business Hours

Monday – Friday: 9am to 5pm
Saturday - Sunday: 24 hours
Unique Resourcing Ltd VAT Number: 285 7129 71